Why is my ICON charger flashing?

There are many causes for ICON charger flashes. The exact cause depends on the number of flashes between pauses.

The chargers in ICON EV vehicles flash to indicate a variety of problems. If there is an issue, then your charger will flash a set number of times in a row, pause, then repeat.

If your charger is flashing, then count the number of flashes that occur and check the corresponding cause below.

One Flash


Charge enable fault or battery temperature fault.


Check connector contacts and retry. Otherwise, check that battery temperature is between -10°C - 50°C (14°F - 120°F).

Two Flashes


Battery voltage is either too low or too high.


Check that battery voltage is between 36.0V - 55.2V and retry. While charging, ensure that voltage is < 67.2V.

Three Flashes


Charge timeout caused by battery pack not reaching required voltage; or charger output reduced due to high temperatures.


Check connections and ensure that the battery type matches the selected charge profile. Additionally, operate the charger at a lower ambient temperature. Finally, reset the charger by interrupting AC power for 15+ seconds.

Four Flashes


Battery could not be trickle charged up to minimum voltage.


Check for shorted or damaged cells. Reset the charger by interrupting AC power for 15+ seconds.

Five Flashes


Charger shutdown due to high internal temperature.


Ensure sufficient cooling airflow. Reset the charger by interrupting AC power for 15+ seconds.

Six Flashes


Internal charger failure.


Reset the charger by interrupting AC power for 15+ seconds. Return to service depot if issue persists.